Higher Education Recruitment Stack

Gain a panoramic view of education marketing.

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How the HERS guide helps marketers

The Higher Education Recruitment Stack (HERS) is a framework showing you all the elements a successful education marketing strategy has in one place.

Get ready to...

💎 Gain clarity of message
🙏 Focus on audience needs
🧘 Think holistically
👍 Use resources effectively
What’s inside?

Hit download and you will get...

First ever panoramic view of education marketing

As far as we can tell (and believe us, we've looked!) this is a world first in education marketing.

The building blocks of a holistic strategy

A detailed guide explaining the major parts a successful (and holistic) recruitment strategy can have.

100+ Insights across all marketing disciplines

Benefit from over 100 insights into the entrire education marketing spectrum.

About the e-guide

50+ pages of education marketing insights

The Higher Education Recruitment Stack (HERS) guide is your new best friend in creating on-message strategies.

Years' experience

What are people saying about the HERS Guide?

“It has given our strategies singularity of focus like never before”

Sophie Moore
Student Recruitment

“I haven't found anything like this. A clear starters guide to education marketing”

Adam Smith
Digital Marketing

“Highly recommend. Great for getting everyone on the same page”

Mike Warren
Head of Marketing
About the author

Will Campbell

Owner of education marketing agency Words On Brand. 15+ years' marketing experience. Education marketing obsessive. Father and runner.

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